worked / got / went - past simple

They watch  television every evening  (present simple)

They watched  television yesterday evening  (past simple)

watched is the past simple :

I  / we / you / they    watched
he / she /it  

the past simple is often ed ( regular verbes) For exemple :

work  ---> worked     clean ---> cleaned   start  ---> started
stay ---> stayed          arrive ---> arrived   dance ---> danced

  • I clean my teeth every morning. This morning I cleaned my teeth.
  • Terry worked in a bank from 1986 to 1993.
  • Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.
  • We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people the party finished midnight.

Some verbes are irregular, the past simple is not ed. Here are some important irregular verbes.

irregular verbes irregular verbes
beging   began break    broke
bring     brought build    built
buy       bought catch    caught
drink    drank eat        ate
find      found fly         flew
forget    forgot give         gave
have      had know       knew
leave     left lose       lost
pay        paid see          saw
stand     stood think        thought

  • I usually get up early but this morning I got up at 9.30
  • We did a lot of work yesterday.
  • Caroline went to the cinema three times last week.
  • Jim came into the room. took of his coat and sat down.